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  • Software Security Testing: Types, Tools, and Best Practices

Software Security Testing: Types, Tools, and Best Practices

February 12, 2024
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Software Testing

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    Table of Content

    1. What is security testing in SDLC?
    2. What is security testing software?
    3. What are the types of security testing?
    4. What are the 3 types of software security?
    5. How to perform security testing in software testing?
    6. Software security testing tools
    7. Conclusion
    8. FAQs

    Software security testing is a vital process for ensuring the quality, reliability, and safety of software applications, systems, or networks. It involves identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats that could compromise the security of software and its users.

    Software security testing is an essential part of the software development life cycle (SDLC), as it helps to prevent, detect, and fix security issues before they cause damage or loss.

    What is security testing in SDLC?

    Security testing in SDLC is the process of integrating security testing activities throughout the different phases of the software development process, such as planning, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

    Security testing in SDLC aims to ensure that security is considered and implemented from the beginning to the end of the software development process, and that security requirements are met and verified at each stage. Security testing in SDLC helps to reduce the cost and complexity of fixing security issues later, and to improve the overall quality and security of software.

    What is security testing software?

    Security testing software is a type of software that helps to perform security testing on software applications, systems, or networks. Security testing software can automate, simplify, or enhance various security testing tasks, such as scanning, testing, analyzing, reporting, or monitoring the security of software.

    Security testing software can also provide guidance, recommendations, or best practices for improving the security of software. Security testing software can be used by developers, testers, security professionals, or users to perform security testing on software.

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    What are the types of security testing?

    There are different types of security testing, depending on the goals, methods, and tools used. Some of the common types of security testing are:

    Vulnerability scanning

    The process of scanning software for known vulnerabilities or weaknesses, using tools like Nmap, Nessus, or OpenVAS. Vulnerability scanning helps to identify and prioritize the security risks of software, and to provide remediation suggestions.

    Penetration testing

    The process of simulating a real-world attack on software to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses, using tools like Metasploit, Burp Suite, or OWASP ZAP. Penetration testing helps to evaluate the security posture of software, and to test its resilience against malicious attacks.

    Risk assessment

    The process of analyzing the security risks of software, based on the likelihood and impact of potential threats, using tools like Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool, or OWASP Risk Rating Methodology. Risk assessment helps to determine the level of security required for software, and to prioritize the security measures to be implemented.

    Ethical hacking

    The process of hacking software with the permission and consent of its owner, to identify and report security issues, using tools like Kali Linux, or HackTheBox. Ethical hacking helps to improve the security of software, and to prevent unauthorized or malicious hacking.

    Security scanning

    The process of scanning software for security flaws or misconfigurations, using tools like Nmap, Nikto, or OWASP Dependency Check. Security scanning helps to verify the security compliance of software, and to detect any deviations from the security standards or policies.

    Posture assessment

    The process of assessing the overall security posture of software, based on the results of various security testing activities, using tools like Qualys, or Rapid7. Posture assessment helps to provide a comprehensive and holistic view of the security status of software, and to identify any gaps or weaknesses in the security strategy or implementation.

    Security auditing

    The process of auditing the security of software, based on the security requirements, specifications, or guidelines, using tools like NIST SP 800-53, or ISO 27001. Security auditing helps to ensure the security quality and accountability of software, and to provide evidence of security compliance or certification.

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    What are the 3 types of software security?

    Software security can be classified into three types, based on the perspective or approach of security:

    Preventive security

    The type of security that focuses on preventing security issues from occurring in the first place, by applying security best practices, standards, or techniques throughout the software development process. Preventive security helps to reduce the likelihood and impact of security issues, and to improve the security performance and efficiency of software.

    Detective security

    The type of security that focuses on detecting security issues as soon as possible, by using security testing, monitoring, or alerting tools or methods. Detective security helps to identify and analyze the security issues, and to provide timely and accurate information for security response or recovery.

    Corrective security

    The type of security that focuses on correcting security issues after they have occurred, by using security patching, fixing, or recovery tools or methods. Corrective security helps to eliminate or mitigate the security issues, and to restore the security functionality and integrity of software.

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    How to perform security testing in software testing?

    Security testing in software testing can be performed by following these steps:

    Define the security objectives and scope

    The first step is to define the security objectives and scope of the software, based on the security requirements, expectations, or regulations. The security objectives and scope help to determine the type, level, and extent of security testing to be performed on the software.

    Identify the security threats and risks

    The second step is to identify the security threats and risks of the software, based on the security analysis, modeling, or assessment tools or methods. The security threats and risks help to identify the potential sources, targets, and impacts of security issues on the software.

    Select the security testing tools and methods

    The third step is to select the security testing tools and methods that are suitable and effective for the security testing of the software, based on the security objectives, scope, threats, and risks. The security testing tools and methods help to perform the security testing activities, such as scanning, testing, analyzing, reporting, or monitoring the security of the software.

    Perform the security testing

    The fourth step is to perform the security testing on the software, using the selected security testing tools and methods. The security testing helps to evaluate the security of the software, and to identify and verify any security issues or vulnerabilities.

    Report and fix the security issues

    The fifth step is to report and fix the security issues that are found during the security testing, using the security reporting, patching, fixing, or recovery tools or methods. The security issues should be reported and fixed as soon as possible, to prevent or minimize the damage or loss caused by the security issues.

    Review and improve the security testing

    The sixth step is to review and improve the security testing of the software, based on the security testing results, feedback, or lessons learned. The security testing should be reviewed and improved regularly, to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the security testing, and to adapt to the changing security needs and challenges of the software.

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    How to do security testing in software testing?

    Security testing in software testing can be done by following these tips:

    Plan and prioritize the security testing

    Security testing should be planned and prioritized from the beginning to the end of the software development process, and integrated into the software testing strategy and plan. Security testing should be aligned with the security objectives and scope of the software, and prioritized based on the security risks and impacts of the software.

    Use a combination of security testing tools and methods

    Security testing should use a combination of security testing tools and methods, such as static, dynamic, manual, or automated security testing tools and methods. Security testing should use the appropriate security testing tools and methods for the specific security testing needs and goals of the software, and leverage the strengths and advantages of each security testing tool and method.

    Perform security testing at different levels and stages

    Security testing should be performed at different levels and stages of the software, such as unit, integration, system, or acceptance security testing levels, and design, coding, testing, deployment, or maintenance security testing stages. Security testing should cover the different aspects and components of the software, and test the security of the software from different perspectives and scenarios.

    Follow the security testing standards and best practices

    Security testing should follow the security testing standards and best practices, such as OWASP, NIST, or ISO security testing standards and best practices. Security testing should adhere to the security testing guidelines, principles, or techniques that are widely accepted and proven in the security testing field, and that can help to improve the security testing quality and consistency of the software.

    Collaborate and communicate with the security testing stakeholders

    Security testing should collaborate and communicate with the security testing stakeholders, such as developers, testers, security professionals, users, or clients. Security testing should involve and engage the security testing stakeholders in the security testing process, and share and exchange the security testing information, feedback, or suggestions with the security testing stakeholders.

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    Software security testing tools

    Software security testing tools are software that help to perform security testing on software applications, systems, or networks. Software security testing tools can automate, simplify, or enhance various security testing tasks, such as scanning, testing, analyzing, reporting, or monitoring the security of software. Software security testing tools can also provide guidance, recommendations, or best practices for improving the security of software. Software security testing tools can be used by developers, testers, security professionals, or users to perform security testing on software.

    There are many software security testing tools available in the market, each with its own features, functions, and benefits.

    Popular software security testing tools are:


    A free and open source network security scanner that can scan and discover hosts, services, ports, protocols, or vulnerabilities on a network. Nmap can be used for network security auditing, network mapping, network exploration, or network troubleshooting.


    A free and open source penetration testing framework that can exploit, test, or validate the security of software. Metasploit can be used for vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, security research, or security development.

    Burp Suite

    A commercial web application security testing tool that can intercept, modify, or analyze the web traffic between a browser and a web server. Burp Suite can be used for web vulnerability scanning, web penetration testing, web debugging, or web security auditing.


    A free and open source web application security scanner that can find and report web application vulnerabilities. OWASP ZAP can be used for web vulnerability scanning, web penetration testing, web security testing, or web security learning.


    A commercial cloud-based security platform that can scan, test, or monitor the security of software. Qualys can be used for vulnerability management, compliance management, web application security, cloud security, or endpoint security.


    A commercial security platform that can scan, test, or monitor the security of software. Rapid7 can be used for vulnerability management, penetration testing, incident response, threat detection, or application security.

    Also read: How to Find the Right Software Testing Partner

    Best practices in security testing for software development

    Security testing is a crucial and continuous process for software development, as it helps to ensure the security quality and reliability of software. Security testing can also help to protect the data, reputation, and trust of software and its users. To perform effective and efficient security testing for software development, here are some best practices to follow:

    Define and document the security requirements and specifications

    The first and foremost best practice is to define and document the security requirements and specifications of the software, based on the security objectives, scope, threats, and risks. The security requirements and specifications help to establish the security expectations and criteria for the software, and to guide the security testing activities and outcomes.

    Perform security testing early and often

    The second best practice is to perform security testing early and often in the software development process, and not to wait until the end or after the release of the software. Performing security testing early and often helps to identify and fix security issues as soon as possible, and to prevent or reduce the cost and complexity of fixing security issues later.

    Use a combination of security testing techniques and tools

    The third best practice is to use a combination of security testing techniques and tools, such as static, dynamic, manual, or automated security testing techniques and tools. Using a combination of security testing techniques and tools helps to cover the different aspects and components of the software, and to test the security of the software from different perspectives and scenarios.

    Follow the security testing standards and guidelines

    The fourth best practice is to follow the security testing standards and guidelines, such as OWASP, NIST, or ISO security testing standards and guidelines. Following the security testing standards and guidelines helps to ensure the security testing quality and consistency of the software, and to adhere to the security testing best practices, principles, or techniques that are widely accepted and proven in the security testing field.

    Review and improve the security testing process and results

    The fifth best practice is to review and improve the security testing process and results, based on the security testing feedback, lessons learned, or metrics. Reviewing and improving the security testing process and results helps to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the security testing, and to adapt to the changing security needs and challenges of the software.

    Also read: Cross-Browser Testing using Selenium: Best Practices and Tips


    Software security testing is a vital process for ensuring the security of software applications, systems, or networks.

    There are different types of security testing, such as vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, risk assessment, ethical hacking, security scanning, posture assessment, and security auditing. Each type has its own goals, methods, and tools. There are also different types of software security, such as preventive, detective, and corrective security. Each type has its own perspective or approach of security.

    To perform security testing in software testing, there are some steps to follow, such as defining the security objectives and scope, identifying the security threats and risks, selecting the security testing tools and methods, performing the security testing, reporting and fixing the security issues, and reviewing and improving the security testing.

    There are also some tips to do security testing in software testing, such as planning and prioritizing the security testing, using a combination of security testing tools and methods, performing security testing at different levels and stages, following the security testing standards and best practices, and collaborating and communicating with the security testing project.

    For top-notch security testing services, don't hesitate to reach out to us. As the leading software testing company in India, we are here to meet your needs

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    Written by Nishil Patel

    CEO & Founder

    Nishil is a successful serial entrepreneur. He has more than a decade of experience in the software industry. He advocates for a culture of excellence in every software product.


    What is the importance of software security testing?

    Software security testing is crucial for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities and weaknesses in software applications, systems, or networks. It helps prevent security breaches, data leaks, and other malicious activities by ensuring that software is robust and resilient against potential threats.

    What are the common types of software security testing?

    Common types of software security testing include vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, risk assessment, ethical hacking, security scanning, posture assessment, and security auditing. Each type serves a unique purpose in identifying and mitigating security risks.

    How is security testing integrated into the software development life cycle (SDLC)?

    Security testing is integrated into various phases of the SDLC, including planning, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. By incorporating security testing early and consistently throughout the SDLC, developers can identify and address security issues proactively, minimizing risks and ensuring software security.

    What are some best practices for conducting effective software security testing?

    Best practices for software security testing include defining and documenting security requirements, performing testing early and often, using a combination of testing techniques and tools, following security testing standards and guidelines, and regularly reviewing and improving the testing process.

    What are some popular software security testing tools available?

    There are several popular software security testing tools available, including Nmap, Metasploit, Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, Qualys, and Rapid7. These tools offer various features and functionalities for scanning, testing, analyzing, and monitoring the security of software applications, systems, or networks.


    Don't wait until it's too late – secure your software now!

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