Let’s make tech better with passion, precision, and dedication.

Current openings.

Automation Engineer (JavaScript + Playwright)

Ahmedabad, Full-time

Functional Test Engineer

Ahmedabad, Full-time

Well-being at the heart of testing

Work Life Balance in Every Sprint

Every test cycle needs a pause. Your well-being ensures quality deliverables.

Never stop learning in the QA world

Continuous integration and continuous learning. Stay ahead in QA methodologies with us.

Testing Your Fitness Levels

Like every app needs robust health checks, we ensure you’re at your healthiest.

Collaboration: Our Default Setting

Bug tracking or brainstorming, teamwork is our core.

Transparent Communication, Clearer Test Cases

ust as we value clear test scripts, we value clear communication. Always be in the loop.

Community Testing: Giving Back

Beyond software, we test the boundaries of community service and positive impacts.


Tuning your life like our test environments

Stress test your relaxation.

Regular training and workshops to ensure you're updated with the latest QA methodologies.

Tools and hardware.

With 24 days of paid leave and special breaks during festive seasons, we ensure you enjoy and rejuvenate just as our systems do after updates.

Recreate with us.

Your physical and mental health is crucial. We provide comprehensive health benefits to ensure you're always functioning at your best.

Bug-free finances.

Just as we value feedback in our test cycles, we value your voice. Regular appraisals and open feedback channels in place.

QA for Your Health.

Secure your future with competitive salaries, bonuses, and regular financial health checks.

Global Exposure.

Every now and then, break from the code. Team outings, movie nights, and more to reboot.

Feedback loop.

Work with the latest tools and gadgets. If there's a tool to boost productivity, you have it.

Upgrade skills.

Opportunities to work with international clients, understanding different tech environments, and ensuring quality worldwide.