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  • Transaction Flow Testing in Fintech Apps: How to Do It Strategically

Transaction Flow Testing in Fintech Apps: How to Do It Strategically

July 26, 2023
5 Min

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    The world is buzzing with online transactions every second. Whether you are buying or selling, you can enjoy smooth and hassle-free transaction processes.With the rise of fintech apps across the world and specially in India, the online transactions have become a part of our everyday lives.

    According to the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, India is among the world’s fastest growing fintech market with 6,636 FinTech startups.

    Another report from the Indian Finance Ministry suggests that the overall valuation of Indian Fintech is set to surge to $150 billion by 2025.These fintech companies empower us to carry out online transactions through their apps or online services.

    Paytm, PhonePay, and GooglePay are just to name a few. But, how do online transactions work so flawlessly? The reason for such performance is that the Transaction Flow Testing has been done right for these services or fintech apps.

    This testing method designed specifically for the financial applications ensures that the complete transaction process, starting from payment processing to shipping and order fulfillment, is taken care of.

    Let’s try to answer the question through this blog for your Fintech App to create a hassle-free and easy online transaction experience that satisfies your customers.

    Table of Content
    1. What is Transaction Flow Testing?
    2. Key Strategies for Implementing Transaction Flow Testing
    3. Using Transaction Flow Graphs
    4. QAble’s Simple Tips to Implement Transaction Flow Testing
    5. FAQs

    What is Transaction Flow Testing?

    The transaction flow testing targets to validate every step of the transaction within a system, specifically in the financial or fintech apps. These steps include data entry, processing, output generation, and validation. It makes sure that the integration is seamless with no hiccups.

    Below are the primary objectives for transaction flow testing.

    • Consistency and Reliability - Transaction flow testing helps eliminating issues arising due to external factors and dependencies.
    • Accuracy and Integrity - Transactional flow testing ensures that data integrated with transactions always remain intact across the entire flow. In this way, validating and handling outputs are always accurate.
    • Enhanced Scalability and Performance - Testing transaction flow enables testers to verify that the system handles transactions consistently without performance hits or lags during heavy loads and without unexpected errors.
    • Exception Management -Testers evaluate and check that the error messages are displayed appropriately, and transactions are roll backed when necessary to maintain system integrity.

    Also Read: How to Test for Ensuring a Flawless Online Shopping Checkout Experience

    Transaction flow testing also involves automation testing techniques and tools to simulate complex and repetitive test scenarios. It enhances customer experience and avoids transactional failures which improve the overall quality of system.

    Don’t let transactional hiccups drive your customers away! Let us optimize your fintech app’s performance with expert transaction flow testing.

    Key Strategies for Implementing Transaction Flow Testing

    Now that we have a clear on the objectives of the transactional flow, let’s go through some of the key strategies for implementing transaction flow testing.

    #1 Prioritizing End-to-End Testing

    • Highlight and address the bottlenecks or breakdowns which can occur during the flow.
    • It is essential to ensure correct dependencies, proper communication, and seamless data transfer among components for their proper functioning with end-to-end testing.
    • Emphasize testing the entire transaction flow from the start to its completion.
    • Assess if the integration between different systems and components is swift and hassle-free.

    #2 Load and Performance Testing

    • Load and performance testing for transaction flow is essential to evaluate system performance under wide range of transaction loads.
    • This approach is effective in optimizing system resources by identifying bottlenecks.
    • Simulating high-traffic scenarios is extremely important to measure the scalability and response times.
    • Performance and load testing ensures that the transaction flow can handle workloads without any degradations.

    Also Read: How to Test Scalability for Cloud-based SaaS Products

    #3 Data Validation and Management

    • Data validation and management are essential to verify system integrity and accuracy at every step.
    • Creating realistic test data provides a wide coverage along with edge cases.
    • QA professionals can effectively reset data in a consistent format after testing. It becomes easier to maintain the reliability and repeatability of test cases.
    • It is also helpful in determining consistency at every step.

    #4 Creating Detailed Test Case Scenario

    • You must consider different inputs, user interactions, and system states in your test scenarios for transaction flow testing.
    • It is essential to document every step for test cases, specific conditions, and expected results or assertions.
    • Include negative and positive test cases as they are effective in validating expected and exceptional behaviors.
    • Create test case scenarios that encompass every path and condition for the entire transaction flow.

    #5 Overcome Challenges in Transaction Flow Testing

    • Create a stable test environment to maintain consistency in network configurations hardware, software, and data which mirrors the production environment.
    • Prioritize transaction flow testing based on risk analysis, negative and positive scenarios, and cover user impact.
    • Encourage team members to discuss their challenges and clarify requirements without hesitating to resolve issues efficiently.
    • User realistic test data to simulate actual user behavior.

    #6 Thoroughly Understand the Transactional Flow

    • Find out the right sequence of steps and components required for a seamless end-to-end flow of transactions.
    • Analyze essential documents such as data flow diagrams, architectural diagrams, and process flows. It will helps to visualize and understand the intricacies of transaction flow testing.
    • Keep monitoring transaction logs and system behavior to identify certain patterns, exceptions, and areas which need improvement.

    By implementing the above strategies, you can enhance its effectiveness to deliver reliable and seamless transactional experiences to users.

    Using Transaction Flow Graphs

    Transaction Flow Graph (TGF) represents the transaction flow in a system. It helps you understand and optimize the transaction flow accordingly. It consists of edges to represent individual steps and nodes which depict data entry, and processing activities.

    The visual depiction of transaction flow graphs enables QA experts, developers, and stakeholders to identify bottlenecks and improve system performance.

    Conducting a thorough examination of these graphs helps identifying critical paths, potential loopholes, shortcomings, or alternative flows.

    Are your transactions feeling tangled? Gain clarity and identify bottlenecks with our tailored transaction flow graphs.

    Primary Use Cases of Transaction Flow Graph

    Let’s look at some of the primary use cases of transaction flow graphs.

    • Identifying Dependencies- The transaction flow graph provides various opportunities for optimizing resource utilization and parallel processing to improve system performance.
    • Generating Test Scenarios- Testers can easily identify the alternative flows represented in the TFG to create test cases.
    • Validating Test Cases- It also helps testers to adhere to the business rules and correctly interact with the various system components.
    • Enhanced Visualization- The visual representation makes it easy for stakeholders and QA professionals to get a clear picture of transactions.

    Examining transactional flow graphs serves as a valuable tool for thorough documentation related to transactional processes.

    Primary Use Cases of Transaction Flow Graph

    Let’s look at some of the primary use cases of transaction flow graphs.

    • Identifying Dependencies- The transaction flow graph provides various opportunities for optimizing resource utilization and parallel processing to improve system performance.
    • Generating Test Scenarios- Testers can easily identify the alternative flows represented in the TFG to create test cases.
    • Validating Test Cases- It also helps testers to adhere to the business rules and correctly interact with the various system components.
    • Enhanced Visualization- The visual representation makes it easy for stakeholders and QA professionals to get a clear picture of transactions.

    Examining transactional flow graphs serves as a valuable tool for thorough documentation related to transactional processes.

    QAble’s Simple Tips to Implement Transaction Flow Testing

    QAble has been delivering exceptional services to ensure seamless operations in software testing. We thoroughly understand real-world scenarios to implement a detailed and targeted approach to achieve practical user interactions.

    Here are our curated technical tips to implement transaction flow testing.

    • Validating Transaction Boundaries - Don’t forget to pay attention to transaction boundaries including timeout periods, maximum transaction size, or concurrency limits.
    • Collaboration with an Agile Mindset - Agile mindset and fostering collaboration among team members. Also, reiterate testing strategies according to the evolving requirements.
    • Integrate Security Testing Process - Test for identifying vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and authentication weaknesses. As a result, you can handle exceptions and maintain transactional consistency.
    • Implement Regression Testing - Make sure to revisit paths and test scenarios to ensure continued functionality. Perform regression testing whenever any change in the system and components.

    These tips will surely help you enhance your transaction flow testing efforts and ensure incredible transaction flow. Checkout some of the services offered by QAble for your financial service or apps to elevate your application to greater heights through meticulous testing and cutting-edge security measures.

    1. Mobile Application Testing - From functionality to performance, we ensure your app delivers a flawless user experience on every device.
    2. Security Testing - Safeguard your app and customer trust with our security testing services. Testing experts at QAble makes sure that tour app is protected from potential security threats.
    3. UI/UX Testing - The front facing part of an application or the UI is the first point of contact for users. The user interface has to be very good. Additionally, the UX or the user experience should be carefully designed. QAble makes sure that your fintech apps works as good as it looks.
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    Written by Nishil Patel

    CEO & Founder

    Nishil is a successful serial entrepreneur. He has more than a decade of experience in the software industry. He advocates for a culture of excellence in every software product.


    What purpose does transaction flow testing serve?

    The transactions through the fintech apps deals with sensitive data and finances. If the transactions are not carried in a secure and safe way, it could lead to financial losses of customers. If gone wrong, it can seriously damage company’s reputation. Transaction flow testing makes sure that everything works correctly. It helps preventing such scenarios.

    What are the main challenges associated with transaction flows in fintech apps?

    Security is one of the main concerns in a fintech apps. There are additional challenges like proper authorization and securing customer’s data.

    What are the main objectives behind transaction flow testing?

    Transaction flows testing focuses on secure and smooth flow of information between clients and servers. This helps in solving problems related to it. It also helps to point out defects. Additionally, it helps to make the fintech app more performant for users.


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