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  • How to Ace QA Testing for New Projects: Best Practices

How to Ace QA Testing for New Projects: Best Practices

July 26, 2023
5 Min
Software Testing

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    Quality Assurance (QA) testing plays an important role in detecting defects, identifying areas for improvement, and enhancing overall product quality. It involves a combination of technical expertise and meticulous attention to detail to deliver reliable, functional, user-centric, and exceptional products.

    The importance of QA testing for new projects is even more significant as the quality of your product at its launch defines its path to success in a cut-throat competition in the software industry.

    In this blog, you will know every detail about QA best practices to improve the quality of your upcoming projects.

    From test planning to execution, we will explore key areas where implementing effective QA practices can make a substantial impact.

    Table of Content
    1. Understanding the Importance of QA in New Projects
    2. Top 12 Best QA Testing Practices for New Projects
    3. Common QA Challenges in New Projects
    4. Essential Tools for Effective QA Practices for New Projects
    5. FAQs

    Understanding the Importance of QA in New Projects

    Quality Assurance (QA) serves as a go-to approach to mitigate risks and maintain high-quality of a project. Implementing best QA practices increases confidence in your testing team to deliver a quality product.

    They can ensure that the project requirements are validated properly. Additionally, it provides assurance that the expectations are aligned with the expected vision with the final results.

    The following points below explain the importance of QA in new projects.

    • It gives a competitive advantage to your organization by opening gates for new opportunities and market growth.
    • Employing best QA practices for new projects promotes credibility with the stakeholders and end-users.
    • QA in new projects helps you achieve customer satisfaction by setting a benchmark with product quality.
    • Implementing best QA practices allows you to allocate resources efficiently and minimize wasted efforts.
    • It helps reducing legal and financial risks by meeting relevant compliance standards.
    • It ensures high-quality products resulting from effective QA enhancing brand reputation.

    To sum up, integrating best QA practices as an integral part of new projects maximizes your capability to ensure seamless functionality and unparalleled user experiences.

    Top 12 Best QA Testing Practices for New Projects

    Here are the top 12 QA testing practices that you must implement for your new projects to drive high-quality outcomes.

    #1 Planning and Documentation

    Creating a comprehensive QA plan is essential to drive your team in the right direction. It should comprise detailed strategies, timelines, and testing methodologies. It helps to carefully understand the project’s purpose to outline the desired outcomes and plan the process.

    On the other hand, documentation reduces any ambiguity and plays a key role in organizing essential information. Maintaining detailed documentation allows for traceability and provides a valuable reference for future cycles or audits.

    #2 Streamlining Workflow

    Another best QA practice is streamlining workflow to optimize the efficiency of new projects. Every testing process should be divided into the following steps.

    • Test Plan- Highlight the software requirements, testing scope, required resources, and deadline.
    • Checklists- Describe the test inputs, testing conditions, and expected results.
    • Different Types of Testing- Mention the different types of testing such as functional testing, VAPT testing, manual testing, automated testing, and others.
    • Test Reporting- The test report should include software QA practices, lists of the bugs found, and test results.

    Regular meetings and status updates keeps everyone informed about the progress and potential roadblocks. Scrum or Kanban are also some excellent tools that help in streamlining workflow.

    #3 Setting Robust QA Environment for the Team

    Setting up a robust QA environment involves creating a well-equipped test environment with necessary software, hardware, and configurations. It accelerates the task of facilitating efficient testing to provide a reliable foundation for QA activities.

    It is essential to establish proper version control and configuration management processes. Therefore, implementing rigorous security measures including access controls and data protection protocols to minimize potential risks.

    #4 Implementing Shift-Left Testing

    With Shift-Left Testing, QA teams allow seamless collaboration with the developers from the start of the project. It is a proactive mindset to detect bugs early and reduce the overall cost and effort required for bug fixes.

    Shift-Left testing approach is the best QA practice which facilitates continuous testing for rapid identification and resolution of defects. By implementing Shift-Left testing, new projects benefit from enhanced collaboration among QA professionals and developers improving overall software quality.

    #5 Perform Automated and Manual Software Testing

    Performing both automated and manual software testing is essential to build reliable test coverage. Automated testing involves utilizing a wide range of specialized tools and scripts to execute repetitive and time-consuming tests.

    However, manual testing allows testers to identify potential usability issues and glitches. It provides adaptability, and human touch that automated testing lacks.

    #6 Track Your Progress

    One of the key aspects of progress tracking is regular reporting and communication of test results. It includes identification and documentation of defects. Consistent monitoring and tracking of progress gives valuable insights to the team to optimize project outcomes.

    Implementing project management tools provides a centralized platform to help you streamline testing practices. Additionally, robust progress tracking practices for new projects allow you to keep an eye on QA activities to address issues promptly.

    #7 Collaboration and Communication

    Collaboration and communication are vital components for an excellent QA for new projects. It involves regular meetings and discussions which are essential to clarify requirements, knowledge sharing, and several other concerns.

    It encourages team members to leverage their diverse skills and perspective to drive innovative solutions and overcome challenges through effective communication.

    QA teams should establish clear channels of communication with project managers and developers to accurately achieve project expectations.

    Also Read: QAOps vs DevOps: Everything You Need To Know

    #8 Continuous Improvement

    With regular analysis of QA metrics and performance indicators such as test coverage, defect density, and test execution time, QA teams can seamlessly identify key areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance testing practices.

    Sessions for post-project reviews and retrospective allows your team to implement necessary changes and improve their practices. Hence, continuous improvement promotes a culture of innovation to the evolving requirements of every project, and industry trend, and ensures success.

    #9 Building a Strong Community within QA Team

    The first step to starting a QA community begins with the motto of promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration. It encourages open communication and teamwork to leverage diverse skills and experience.

    By sharing challenges, brainstorming sessions, insights, and solutions, teams can learn from one another, develop new skills, and collectively enhance their QA expertise for upcoming projects.

    Additionally, establishing mentorship programs with QA teams can provide guidance and support, especially for new members. Building a strong community within the QA practices leads to enhanced project outcomes in new projects.

    #10 Segregate Performance and Security Testing

    Separating performance and security testing ensures a thorough evaluation of specific aspects. In this way, QA teams can focus on assessing performance and security testing independently for accurate testing outcomes.

    Performance testing mainly focuses on evaluating systems' scalability and responsiveness under different conditions and workloads. QA teams implement performance testing to detect bottlenecks and optimize system resources to handle user loads efficiently.

    Security testing aims to uncover weaknesses and security vulnerabilities in the system. Segregating security testing verifies the system’s resistance to various attacks including unauthorized access, cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL Injections, and data breaches.

    Read More: What is Penetration Testing and How Does It Work?

    A targeted approach empowers teams to enhance security measures and deliver resilient applications with best QA practices for new projects.

    #11 Post-Production Testing OR Shift-Right Testing

    Testing the product after the end of the development phase or Shift-Right Testing is one of the key methods that have been embraced for a long time in SDLC. In this approach, the testers monitors and validates the performance of the application in real word conditions or post-production environments.

    This approach helps the QA teams to get insights into user-behaviors and uncover potential issues. It helps in improving the overall quality of the software and enhance user experience.

    Shift-Right Testing also helps the QA teams to address and rectify unforeseen challenges. This collaborative and agile thinking testing approach promotes responsiveness in the development of the software and enables QA teams to stay ahead of the curve to deliver a reliable and robust application to the end-users.

    #12 Review End-Users’ Feedback

    Reviewing end users’ feedback for new projects is an essential step that allows the team to gather insights and address user concerns. Collecting the feedback gives clear insights into product performance which empowers them to make necessary changes.

    QA teams can collect feedback through user testing sessions, feedback channels, and user testing sessions. It allows them to uncover stability issues and gain a deeper knowledge of user perspective.

    It helps you to remain customer-centric and drive long-term loyalty to your products.

    By incorporating these QA practices, you can significantly enhance the quality, efficiency, and success of your upcoming projects.

    Common QA Challenges in New Projects

    Quality assurance is necessary to ensure that the software is bug-free and works efficiently concerning business objectives. Let’s check out some of the common QA challenges for new projects.

    • Wrong Estimation for Testing- While designing a test plan, it is crucial to estimate the correct steps, testing approaches, required resources, and time. However, some estimations can go wrong if not researched properly.
    • Lack of Coordination among Testers and Developers- Various professional differences between testing and development teams often occur. Lack of coordination can lead to difficulties in reporting and identifying bugs on time.
    • Failed Tests Under Real-Time Usage- Testing software solely on simulators and emulators may not capture all the real-time constraints and usage scenarios. The absence of real-world conditions can lead to failures when the software is deployed.
    • Changes in the Last Minute- Changes in project requirements during the development phase can disrupt the planned testing approach. Testers may need to redesign and adjust their testing strategies even for minor changes, which can be challenging within tight deadlines.

    In summary, addressing these challenges requires a proactive and collaborative approach. Accurate estimations, effective coordination, comprehensive real-world testing, and adaptability to last-minute changes are key factors in implementing successful QA practices in new software projects.

    Also Read: No Bugs Allowed: How To Keep Your Quality Testing Flawless

    Essential Tools for Effective QA Practices for New Projects

    QAble is the ultimate stop which delivers a client-centric approach to deliver exceptional QA solutions. Our experts understand the importance of accurate estimations, seamless coordination, and adaptability to changes.

    With us, you gain access to a powerful suite of tools specifically designed with the best QA practices for new practices. Let’s have a brief look at the following tools that we integrate into our QA practices.

    • JIRA- This bug-tracking tool enables testers to log bugs, track their status, and enable collaboration for bug identification.
    • TestRail- It is a test management tool for organizing, tracking, and planning testing activities. TestRail also generates detailed reports for better visibility.
    • Slack- It is a popular collaboration tool that enables real-time communication which provides channels for document sharing, team discussion, and integration with other tools.
    • Selenium-It is mainly used for web application testing which provides a framework for writing and executing automated tests for multiple browsers and platforms.
    • Jenkins- It helps automate build, test, and deployment processes, enabling teams to integrate code changes more frequently, detect issues early, and deliver software faster.
    • Postman- It allows testers to send requests, automate API testing workflows, and validate API responses, ensuring the functionality and reliability of APIs.
    • Bugzilla- It is an open-source bug-tracking tool that allows teams to log track, and prioritize bugs, ensuring seamless bug management.

    Hence, these tools serve different purposes in the QA process which are essential to start any new project. At QAble, we don't just offer a suite of tools. We provide a partnership built on trust, reliability and a commitment to your success.

    Don't let QA challenges hinder your project's success because we can achieve the best perfection with the best QA practices for new projects.

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    Written by Nishil Patel

    CEO & Founder

    Nishil is a successful serial entrepreneur. He has more than a decade of experience in the software industry. He advocates for a culture of excellence in every software product.


    How does QA play a vital role in beginning a new project?

    Quality assurance is essential for new projects to have effective A practices to fix bug issues and improve user experience and minimize risks.

    What are the important metrics to measure the effectiveness of best QA practices for new projects?

    The essential metrics to measure the effectiveness of QA practices includes defect density, test coverage, test execution and pass rates, time-to-fix defects, customer satisfaction feedback.

    Why is documentation important for Quality Assurance?

    It helps in maintaining traceability, ensuring repeatability, facilitating knowledge sharing to understand which areas require testing and track progress.

    What are the important tools to implement best QA practices for new projects?

    JIRA, Jenkins, TestRail, Selenium, Postman, and Bugzilla, are some important tools to implement best QA practices for new projects.


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